The opportunities and benefits of studying abroad, be it for graduate or undergraduate programs, have always been an attractive option for students when planning their career paths. As per a report by consulting firm RedSeer, the number of Indian students opting for higher education abroad grew from 440,000 in 2016 to 770,000 in 2019 and is set to grow further to roughly 1.8 million by 2024. In comparison, the number of domestic students increased from 37 million to roughly 40 million between 2016 and 2019.

There are a number of reasons in favour of pursuing higher education abroad. It is not just about earning an international degree but about the rich, holistic experience that studying abroad adds to one’s skills and abilities. In this blog post, we shall talk about the benefits of studying abroad.

The opportunities and benefits of studying abroad

#1. Diverse course options

The first key benefit of studying abroad is that universities abroad have a broader range of courses and subject combinations to choose from. There are programs that enable students to pursue subjects from different streams at the same time. For example, a student pursuing history may study mathematics as a subject at the same time. Pursuing a subject from the Arts stream would not hinder your interest in a subject which is classically classified as a Science option. Apart from combinations of subjects, the number of courses that universities abroad offer is far larger than what universities offer back home. It widens the students’ choices and enables them to pick up combinations of subjects which may not be an option in their home country.

#2. Better facilities and more academic freedom

Universities abroad are not prestigious without reason. They have highly qualified and experienced faculty members, some of the best in their respective fields, and have a stronger infrastructure with better facilities as compared to universities at home. For most students, universities abroad offer the academic freedom of accessing modern teaching methods and equipment. That apart it gives them the option to switch disciplines as they mature in their academic journey. Students have easy access to top faculty members and it is much simpler to get affiliated with a laboratory or institute than it would be at a university at home.

#3. Option to work abroad

The next key benefit of studying abroad is that it works as the first step toward finding work abroad. It is only natural that employers abroad would prefer a candidate who has had the experience of having stayed in their country of work. A number of countries, the UK included, give students the option to work for two years after having completed their degree. As per a 2019 study by Giorgio Di Pietro, from the University of Westminster, UK, and IZA, Germany, there is a positive correlation between studying abroad experiences and employability. A graduate’s overseas study experience ups his competitiveness in the job market.

#4. International exposure and global outlook

The benefits of studying abroad are more than mere academic rigour and accomplishment. You get to interact with students of various nationalities, get acquainted with the work ethos of people and institutions, and learn to work amiably with a diverse set of people. It helps you build your people skills, manage time better and adopt practical approaches to handle different situations. This widens both your academic and life horizons, and you develop an open and accepting attitude toward other cultures and people. Irrespective of whether you’re studying science, politics or arts, having a multinational perspective will keep you ahead of the curve in workplaces which are also going to be thriving on the diversity of the workforce.

#5. Extra edge at the workplace

Most recruiters prefer applicants who have a foreign degree. The reason is more than just the name and prestige of the university. An international degree means a student has stepped out of a comfort zone and has had the courage and adaptability to work diligently and productively in a new, unfamiliar environment. As mentioned in the point above, the interaction with people of various cultures and ethnicities as a foreign student gives an individual greater cultural awareness and understanding of how other people work and think. This is one major factor that would give you an edge over other applicants, be it for an internship or a job.

Studying abroad definitely comes with its fair share of advantages – the quality of education and professors is clearly superior to what one has at home. The adventure of living a hitherto unexplored life, balancing academics and personal life, and experiencing multicultural college life is too big to pass up. It definitely puts you ahead of many contemporaries, while being a student and even in the workplace.